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Spotify Web Player Hotkeys 0.6.3 - Free Accessibility 插件
http://tampermonkeya.com/      2022/4/11 0:32:40      作者:tampermonkey
Spotify Web Player Hotkeys Description: Adds the following default keyboard shortcuts to open.spotify.com: Play/Pause media key: play, pause Previous media key: previous track Next media key: next trackThere is no default shortcut, but you can also bind keys for: Toggle shuffleSponsored Links Toggle repeat (once, all, disabled) Toggle song likeYou can customize these shortcuts and make them global hotkeys (not just while displaying Spotify) by opening chrome://extensions/shortcuts.Warning: Chrome/Chromium is known to not correctly register hotkeys after you've changed them in chrome://extensions/shortcuts. Please restart your browser by visiting chrome://restart after changes to shortcuts/hotkeys.This extension relies on the HTML/CSS structure of the website. Spotify might break it by changing their frontend.