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ScriptCat 0.9.0 - Free

2022/4/11 0:14:11  Posted by 油猴

ScriptCat Description: 脚本猫,用于在后台中运行用户脚本.提供了一个用户脚本的运行框架,可编写crontab类型的任务运行在后台沙盒中,每天通过脚本定时处理事务.可用于自动签到,定时提醒等功能.### 特性* 通过沙盒机制确保了用户的安全,用户确定后才会给脚本授予权限.* 优秀的编辑器,且提供了API的自动补全机制* 同步的API,让脚本编写更加流畅Sponsored Links ### 未来* 将会更完善后台任务机制* 提供更多丰富的API* 完善用户的脚本权限控制API文档:https://github.com/scriptscat/scri...


2022/4/11 0:13:52  Posted by 油猴

经常有朋友问类似这样的问题:B站的多P(多集)视频如何批量下载呀,复制了网址,只下载一集。我们之前介绍过bilibili唧唧:轻松下载B站视频和b站视频怎么下载到电脑上。今天我要介绍另外一种图文详解如何利用硕鼠自助批量下载B站视频的方法。其实很简单,硕鼠一直支持自助批量下载的,请按以下步骤操作即可。 硕鼠自助批量下载b站视频1、 注册硕鼠账号: http://passport.flvcd.com/reg.php2、 登录: http://passport.flvcd.com/login.php...

RingCentral for Microso

2022/4/11 0:13:24  Posted by 油猴

RingCentral for Microsoft 365 Description: RingCentral for Office 365 seamlessly blends business communications into your cloud work environment, transforming Microsoft Office 365 into an enterprise-grade communications hub with a powerful and easy-to-use interface that is very simple for end-use...

Infy Scroll 0.7 - Free

2022/4/11 0:12:56  Posted by 油猴

Infy Scroll Description: Important: Infy is currently in beta. Unfortunately, this means it might contain a few bugs and it might not work on every website you try it on! But I really want you to be 100% happy with Infy, so if something isn't working right, or if there's a feature you think is mi...


2022/4/11 0:12:36  Posted by 油猴

谷歌浏览器Google Chrome稳定版迎来v72第三个维护版本发布,详细版本号为v72.0.3626.109,上一个正式版chrome v72.0.3626.96发布于1月30日,时隔7天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级主要是更新了安全修复和稳定性改进及用户体验。谷歌浏览器v72正式版改进了与其它几大Web浏览器的互操作性,不赞成继续提供对TLS 1.0/1.1标准的支持(预计在2020年初的Chrome 81中彻底移除)。 谷歌浏览器Google Chrome近期...

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